As much as I love the trashy TV that is the Kardashian sisters’ various shows, I completely agree with our President and First Lady that their kind of content is definitely not what children should be watching. Malia and Sasha Obama are only 13 and 10, respectively, and they don’t need to be viewing the crazy antics of grown women with lots of money and a love for foul language and the limelight. Not exactly the best role models, although there can be much worse! Find out what Mrs. Obama said recently about the show, and also who she likes to rock out to while exercising below!

Marisa Mendez

Michelle Obama opened up to iVillage recently about her home life and talked keeping fit, bargain shopping at Target and America’s OTHER first family — The Kardashians.

The devoted mom of Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10, explained to the website that her daughters have regulated television times and that some shows are off limits.

“Barack really thinks some of the Kardashians – when they watch that stuff – he doesn’t like that as much,” Mrs Obama revealed, “but I sort of feel like if we’re talking about it, and I’m more concerned with how they take it in – what did you learn when you watched that? And if they’re learning the right lessons, like, that was crazy, then I’m like, okay.”

After being photographed looking like an ordinary Target shopper earlier this fall, the First Lady admitted that she misses being anonymous.

And what’s on her ipod? Obama said that her workout motivation is courtesy of Beyoncé, Jay Z, Janelle Monae, Sting, The Beatles, Mary J. Blige and Michael Jackson.

You can read Michelle Obama’s extensive interview on the iVillage website.
