I think this is so dope that a sneaker store in Mexico name 23:45 Air Time will open up. This is the first ever basketball sneaker store in Mexico and to celebrate their recent opening with the Air Jordan 3 Retro Black Cement. Its a good way to kick off this month. Ok being on the other side of the border might be a problem to go and check it out but hey more power to them. Check out more pics and info on the new store after the jump…

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Name of the store: 23:45 AIR-TIME
Leyend: “The first store in Mexico speciallized in Basketball” (LA PRIMERA TIENDA ESPECIALIZADA EN BASKETBALL EN MÉXICO).
Address: Chiapas 192, Col. Roma Norte, 06700 Cuauhtémoc, Mexico
Facebook:  23:45 Air Time
Twitter: @2345AirTime
Phone Number: 55 84 06 80
Email Address: 2345airtime@2345airtime.com
Website: http://2345airtime.com/