An emotional Llan Grapel, Queens law student, arrived home today after a life changing experience saying, “It was hard for me to describe,” he also said. “It was overwhelming.” Hit the jump to find out more details!!!

Tim C.

A Queens law student enjoyed a teary airport homecoming Saturday after four months in an Egyptian prison, thrilled to set foot in the land of liberty – and pancakes.

“All of a sudden the Bill of Rights becomes something that you just don’t read in the history books,” a beaming Ilan Grapel said after touching down at Kennedy Airport.

He was flanked by his mother, Irene, and met by his weepy dad Daniel after a flight home from Israel. The 27-year-old ex-Israeli soldier was arrested as a spy in June and jailed in Egypt.

“I’m very emotional,” his father said inside Terminal 4. “I just want to be with my family.”

A small group of family members and friends clutched American flags and held red, white and blue balloons as they greeted the happy young man.

Grapel’s first order of business: Breakfast.

“What I have not had are chocolate chip pancakes from IHOP,” Grapel said at an upbeat news airport news conference.

Grapel said his flight to freedom came with a single disappointment: When I found out my flight attendant Lauren was married.

He was let go Thursday after Israeli officials agreed to free 25 Egyptians held in their jails.

Grapel said his head was still spinning from five months of Egyptian interrogations.

“It’s hard for me to describe,” he said. “It was overwhelming.”

But he credited his mother with keeping him optimistic during his time in lockup. The two had an emotional reunion on the tarmac at Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel after his release.

There were times when it was bad, but my mom stayed composed, and I was able to think if my mom is composed, it can t be that bad, Grapel said.

NY Daily News