Kid had a scheduled hearing for a 2010 DUI arrest last week that he decided to ditch. Now he has a warrant for his arrest, but hopefully he clears it up before it gets to that point! Details below.

Marisa Mendez

According to L.A. County Superior Court records … a bench warrant was issued for the former “House Party” star on January 5, 2012 after he failed to show up for a progress hearing regarding the 2010 arrest.

If this story sounds familiar … it’s because the SAME EXACT THING happened back in July when he no-showed to a similar hearing. Kid — real name Chris Reid — was arrested in August and released after paying a small fine.

Now, if Kid gets stopped by police for any reason … they can haul his ass back to jail … just like last time.

TMZ spoke to Kid … who tells us the whole thing was an innocent miscommunication and insists he’s sending his lawyer to court this morning to try and fix everything with the judge.