Well, Yes, in a sense, Apparently the NYPD is Using “Find My iPhone” to catch the crooks that have been targeting the handheld devices. Since some cops were using the App on their personal phones, the ‘Brass’ figured they should probably get ahead of this and started to teach cops(that’s almost an oxymoron, ‘teaching cops’) how to use this system. Hit the Jump for some more interesting details.


The 1st official use of this ‘tactic’ was on Jan. 26th of this year, and proved to be a success, So they definitely decided to use this from now on. They use the GPS to track the phone down, then they dispatch some officers to that are, and make the phone sound an Alarm, when that happens, you can Not do anything, turn it off or Nothing, and the cops got you funky ass! Like the guy they caught in Times Square.
Thing is, the iPhone HAS to be On, connected to iCloud, and location services must also be on, So I suggest before you head out today, you set that up, or you could be the next Vic!!!!!
