Sega has plans of a reboot of their classic game Zaxxon.  The game recently just turned 30 years old (how the time flies) and Sega thought it was time to release it to a newer generation.  Sega has plans to release the game to iOS and Android devices.  If you have no idea of the game you should check out youtube clips of the game.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Zaxxon Escape is the logical followup to the first game. In the original, players flew their colorful ships into a fortress cleverly titled Zaxxon. Now, players must escape that same stronghold. No word yet on whether the story will touch on the psychological effects of being a prisoner of war for 30 years.

The big news, or bad news if you’re one of the seven Zaxxon purists, is that this new shooter will have nothing to do with a three-quarters isometric view. Sega went with a behind-the-ship camera that should make aiming a tad bit easier than it was in the arcade classic.
