
Everyone knows that Kanye West is a ‘private’ person – unlike his counterpart, Kim – but, Kim was able to convince Kanye to do something that he’d said he wouldn’t. Drop down bottom to see what it is.

JaaiR (JR)

Since getting Kim pregnant, Kanye has been in the lime-light more than he ever was. He’s missed a few ‘firsts‘ with this pregnancy, but the baby shower will NOT be one of them. Kanye didn’t want to show-up to the all female attendee baby shower that will be held on June 2nd. The reason being is because, a camera crew will also be in attendance to film,”Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” A source told RadarOnline that, “Kim nagged him until he agreed when she said it would look really bad if he didn’t show up. Kanye thinks it’s silly to even go to the baby shower since he will be the only man there. He will be there for less than ten minutes, tops. It was important to Kim that he go, so he agreed.” Well, you have to crawl from under your shell one day Kanye. Baby-Steps (no pun intended).
