IFWT_Aaron Hernandez

Too soon?! Planking, Tebowing and Kaepernicking are long over (thank goodness), but it looks like after yesterday – a new craze has begun. SMH. I think I have a great sense of humor, but this is just such a sad situation all around – so I’m not so sure about this.
Fans have begun …. #Hernandezing
Check it out…





Via SG:

Guide to proper ‘Hernandezing’:

1. Must be a white t-shirt.

2. Hands must be together in the back, as if cuffed.

3. Red shorts is always a plus.

4. Need dour expression. No smiling.

5. Extra credit for being met at the door by your friends, and then being led out and loaded into a car.


Photos via SG – TO – Twitter