
Whoever was assigned to write the Target “Organization Effectiveness, Employee and Labor Relations Multi-Cultural Tips” needs to be schooled, then fired. This document is nothing but racist, asking management to notice the differences between “Hispanics” and the rest of the staff, including “wearing sombreros” and Mexicans have lower education levels. After employees discovered the document and complained about it, they got fired. Find an piece of the training manual after the jump.

Sarah Nafissa

From the lawsuit:

“This document instructs managers to note differences among Hispanic employees, and states the following:

“a. Food: not everyone eats tacos and burritos;
“b. Music: not everyone dances to salsa;
“c. Dress: not everyone wears a sombrero;
“d. Mexicans (lower education level, some may be undocumented);
“e. Cubans (Political refugees, legal status, higher education level); and
“f. They may say ‘OK, OK’ and pretend to understand, when they do not, just to save face.”

Damn, that’s racist!
