
A gun control group has called Starbucks out and is calling for a nationwide boycott this weekend, hit the jump for more detail!

Adriela Batista

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America have officially called out Starbucks, they are going as far as tying to ban them this weekend. The group that formed after the Newtown, Connecticut shootings are going against Starbucks because of the company’s policy to allow people to carry guns into the establishment, in “open carry” states.

The group has showed how Starbucks has banned smokers from smoking in front of their establishment, yet allow customers to carry guns. They are hoping to change this by embarking on a boycott called “Skip Starbucks Saturday”.

“Starbucks calls themselves a progressive company but by not taking a stand on guns, they’ve become a rallying place for ‘open carry’ supporters,” Shannon Watts, the organization’s founder, told The Huffington Post. The organization has named the boycott “Skip Starbucks Saturday” and plans on making it a regular event”.

Starbucks spokesman Zack Hutson responded to HuffPost by stating:

“that the company encourages customers to voice their concerns to lawmakers, but it has no plans to change its position. “While we recognize there is significant and genuine passion surrounding the topic of open carry laws, our long-standing approach to this debate has been to comply with local laws in the communities we serve,” he said”.

The Starbucks chain has been accustom to both sides of the spectrum when it comes to the gun control issue. “Earlier this month, pro-gun rights organizers planned a rally at the Starbucks in Newtown, a few miles away from Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 26 people were gunned down last year”. Starbucks closed “in Respect out of Newtown”, earlier in the day the rally was scheduled to take place.

Via Huffpost