
Four men accused of participating in the gang rape of a student in Delhi who soon after died, have met their fate this week, hit the jump for more detail!

Adriela Batista

Without accepting any pleas after the sentencing, Judge Yogesh Khanna ordered that the four culprits in the gang rape of a 23 year old student in Delhi be sentenced to death!

Judge Khanna stated the attack “shocked the collective conscience” of India, and that “courts cannot turn a blind eye” to such crimes.

“This case definitely falls in the rarest of rare categories and warrants the exemplary punishment of death,” he added.

The student incident took place this past winter, when she was riding the bus home and was brutaly attacked by the four men.

Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur and Pawan Gupta were found guilty on all counts and were ordered to death by hanging. After the announcement one of the men broke down.

“The father of the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said the family was satisfied with the ruling: “We are very happy. Justice has been delivered,” he said in the courtroom, according to the Associated Press news agency”