I seriously was laughing pretty hard at this. You know your a terrible team, when you local network apologizes to viewers for showing your game. That is what happened with a CBS affiliate in Orlando, FL today. The Jags get no love. Hit the jump .


CBS affiliate in Orlando put an apology on the television screen earlier today. Orlando obviously has no NFL team, so the closest team for the most part is Jacksonville, although Tampa Bay is not far either. With so much attention on the “Manning Bowl” today with the Broncos and Giants, the network was pretty confident fans in that area would much rather watch the Giants game, even though we are talking about Florida. They went to the extreme to flash messages on the screen during earlier games letting fans know they are required to air the Jags game and they are sorry. The Jags have even become a joke among networks, SMH. They need to make some changes. Hit the gallery to see the message that was on the screen.