IFWT_Choke 2

Remember last week we shared a video of Stephen Jackson choking former NBA baller Steve Francis?!  We had no idea what caused him to flip like that, but now we have the answer!  He spoke with Bomani Jones and Dan Le Batard from ESPN’s Highly Questionable & broke it down the way he saw it (the interview is great).
Check it out…



Via DimeMag:

According to Jackson: “We wasn’t never cool. I don’t hang with him. I don’t call him. We’ve never been in the same circles. It was too packed for me to get to the stage. So I go in the DJ booth…and as soon as I start rapping, he jumps on the back of the DJ booth.

“I don’t know why he jumped up there. He bumped me two times with his midsection. I felt his belt on my neck. So the third time he does it…I turn around and I ask him to get down. He said something crazy, one thing led to another, my hand end up on his throat and next thing he in cuffs.”

VIDEO (about 2:10 min mark):