IFWT_Magic Jordan 1

Magic Johnson is one of the greatest players in NBA history.  He also played against some of the best in what may be one of the greatest eras of basketball.  So of course he would have a great opinion of who’s the greatest one-on-one player ever and no he didn’t say himself.  Read more after the jump.

Shay Marie

via Midland Daily News

When asked who would win a game of one-one between him and Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson didn’t hesitate. “Michael would win. That’s not my game. My game is assisting, setting up my teammates. Michael’s the greatest one-on-one player. I couldn’t go out and drop 60 like him, but he couldn’t run a team like I could.”

Magic knows his strengths, he’s right, there’s no one who had the court vision he did to set his teammates up and run the offense.  Michael was just a beauty to watch, he could shoot at will and his handle was impeccable.