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A new year means new resolutions.  So what about professional athletes & teams — are they trying to accomplish new goals?  We don’t exactly know, but here’s a list created by Fox Sports on what some of our favorite athletes 2014 resolutions should be.  It’s pretty funny.  Check it out…



Via FoxSports:

Fortunately, the sports world had some interesting developments in 2013. That has led to some interesting resolutions for 2014.

 LeBron James – “I will not televise my free-agency announcement and call it ‘The Decision II.’”

Robert Griffin III – “I will stop trying to become the NFL’s first one-legged quarterback.”

Lamar Odom, Reggie Bush, Kris Humphries – “We will raise funds to develop a Kardashian vaccine for pro athletes.”

Johnny Manziel – “I will no longer spend hours in a hotel room with an autograph broker signing hundreds of items for free out of the goodness of my heart.”

Tim Tebow fans – “We will enroll in a 12-step detox program to kick our belief that he has an NFL future.”

NFC East Division Team Owners – “We will keep telling Jerry Jones he has the greatest general manager in NFL history.”

LA Lakers – “We will stop signing 35-year-old players with broken-down wheels to $48.5 million contracts.”

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