
“Her [Rihanna] love of fashion, her becoming such a genius at using fashion as a creative expression, that’s sort of blossomed in the last couple years,” says Mel Ottenberg. The stylist of pop sensation Rihanna.

Well all know that when it deals in fashion, RiRi is the tops and that’s largely thanks to Ottenberg. The stylist began working with the, “” songstress in 2011 for her Fame tour and has been hooked on the clothes line every since. Although, there is a problem arising now – Rihanna’s running out of clothes. Oh no! Call 911.

Hit the jump for more.

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How can Rihanna run out of clothes you ask. Well, the lady is ahead of the game, allowing her to get dibs on clothing before the season is even in full effect. Ottenberg states that, “It’s the end of May and we’ve already used up all of fall/winter. It’s over.”

Ottenberg, who styles RiRi for all of her videos, photo shoots, award shows, etc., has even got his boyfriend’s clothes, designer Adam Selman on the icon’s body. “She’s wearing my boyfriend’s clothes,” in the 2011 video, “We Found Love”.

Things are only going to get better. The two are working on Rihanna’s appearance at The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Award Show, where she will be deemed Fashion Icon of 2014.

Even if the bad gal runs out of clothes for the current season surely, with the help of Mel, more clothes are soon to come her way.