
After former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton publicly announced that she will not be running for presidency in 2016;she quickly had a change of heart when she announced that there is a possibility that she actually will. On Friday, Clinton tells an audience in mexico that she will make her final decision around the first of 2015.

“I am going to be making a decision around, probably after the first of the year about whether I am going to run again.”

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Clinton said that in order to run, she “will have to be convinced that I have a very clear vision with an agenda of what I think needs to be done.”
In short she says,”Obviously, I’m thinking about it, but I have not made a decision yet,”.
Her position on running has changed dramatically since 2014 when she announced she will not be running, but according to Clinton, she believes she has the knowledge and experience to run the country efficiently.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Fun fact: If Hillary Clinton decides to run and wins the presidential election in 2016 she will not only be the first female president but the second-oldest president after Ronald Reagan, who was also 69 and a few months on Election Day.
