RIP Arizona Officer

Arizona Police Officer Dead After Shot in the Face as police officer Tyler Jacob Stewart is confirmed dead along with the suspect who shot him.

More police shootings in the news but if there’s any good news it’s that this one’s not racially or politically motivated. Arizona Police Officer Dead After Shot in the Face as Tyler Jacob Stewart age 24 went to follow up on a domestic violence case yesterday afternoon. The suspect, Robert. W. Smith age 28 was alleged to have shot him in close range outside the home of his then girlfriend.

To make matters worse in the Arizona Police Officer Dead After Shot in the Face, the suspect then committed suicide after shooting multiple times and killing the rookie cop.

A candlelight vigil is being held by the community of the Arizona Police Officer Dead After Shot in the Face as the Flagstaff, Arizona police station flies it’s flag at half-staff throughout this evening. Mayor of the city Jerry Nabours noted the heartbreak of the community, saying “we collectively mourn for his family and the entire department.” Police chief Kevin Treadway had this to say:

“This is an enormous tragedy for our department and the family of our Officer. We are a very close-knit organization, and know that all members of the Flagstaff Police Department are grieving at this time.”

RIP, #AllLivesMatter

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