_ WOW! More Than 200 Skeletons Found Under A Supermarket

More than 200 skeletons were found under a supermarket in Paris. The skeletons are thought to be hundreds of years old. Check out the photos of the skeletons in the gallery and read more on the story after the jump!

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More than 200 skeletons were found under a supermarket in Paris. The bodies were found in a mass grave underneath a Monoprix supermarket. Monoprix is a popular supermarket in France. The site was once known to be a hospital. The bodies were laid out in a neat row in order to identify them. The skeletons date back centuries and are thought to be anywhere from the 14th to the 16th century.

It was once thought that all the bodies had been removed by the eighteenth century. Archaeologists said they were very shocked to discover the communal grave. The Archaeologists are now planning to carry out DNA tests to see if the people died of the plague. Researchers also say that each body was laid out with special care. Carbon dating will be performed on the bodies to see when they were buried.

Check out the photos of the 200 skeletons in the gallery!
