Seven Arrested For Charges Of Homosexuality? Thanks to Social Media I came across this article.This is currently happening in Egypt. We here in the United States have our issues but we must be grateful for the freedoms we do have.Full story after the jump.

Seven Arrested For Charges Of Homosexuality?

Egyptian police arrested seven people on Thursday for “debauchery,” the charge routinely used against men accused of homosexuality, according to a report in the Egyptian tabloid Al-Youm el-Saba. The paper identified the seven as “transsexuals,”This is the first highly publicized arrest of allegedly gay or trans people since the January acquittal of 26 men arrested in a raid on a working-class bathhouse that was featured in a television broadcast reporting to tell “the whole story of the dens for spreading AIDS in Egypt.” Last week, an April trial was scheduled in a defamation suit against the reporter who made the program, Mona Iraqi, and the owner of the station that broadcast it, Tarek Nour of the Al-Qahera Wal Nas channel.

It’s so sad that in certain parts of the world people aren’t free to be who they are.I know here in the United States the LBGT community and supporters are still fighting for equality.To go to jail because of your sexual orientation is just sad. Apparently President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been really trying to crack down on Gay and Transgender men since he took office in 2013. Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments.Make sure you check the gallery
