
Caught red handed! A Louisiana High School teacher was caught giving pot brownies to students!

Twitter: @foreverrhopeful

Turns out that not only teens and music festival crooners like to consume weed brownies. In Louisiana, a high school teacher was arrested under the same activities. According to the “Smoking Gun”, Camille Brennan gave two students brownie edibles laced with marijuana. What possessed Brennan to do this? We have no clue.

This incident occurred in Nola, so you never know what to expect. Of course, poor Brennan had to resign from teaching in Louisiana. Brennan also has a charge of narcotics distribution and delinquency and may face other charges. Weed might be winning favor of the conservative masses but certain restrictions are still in effect.

I mean, really? A high school teacher passing out weed brownies to her students? That’s just down right crazy! Makes you wan to question what type of people are being given teaching certificates. Marijuana is available in many states for medical reasons.In Colorado weed is legal for recreational use. What do you guys think of this incident? Do you think it is okay for Marijuana to be distributed in public schools? Or do you think that Brennan deserves her punishment?