Meek Mill x FADER

Rumors of an engagement surrounded Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill last month, when Nicki began sporting a gorgeous rock on her special finger that was gifted from her MMG boo. As the rumors continued to swirl, the pair neither confirmed nor denied the reports – leading more to believe that it was definitely the real deal. However, Meek has finally addressed them in his cover story with The FADER…and sorry Omeeka fans, but it’s not an engagement…yet.

“It’s definitely real,” told the magazine about the relationship, “but it ain’t really time to get married yet. We’re still learning each other, feeling each other out.”

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An encounter with T.I. during the interview gives even more insight:

Like most people Meek has crossed paths with lately, T.I. excitedly congratulates him on his engagement. “I ain’t engaged,” Meek says sheepishly, but T.I. isn’t having any of it. “You never asked her, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ But she is your girlfriend,” he says. “You may not have asked her, ‘Will you marry me?’ But you are engaged.” Meek shrugs, unable to argue with this logic. “I’ve said my part,” T.I. says, backing away with his hands up. “As long as you know what’s going on.”

And there you have it! Read the full interview over at The FADER.