
So, the talk of the town is Ms. Caitlyn Jenner, formally known as Bruce. Homegirl stole the pregnancy limelight right from under Kim Kardashian’s nose with her Vanity Fair photoshoot. For the most part, which is very surprising to me, Caitlyn has been getting very positive feedback on the new look, however, we know that there is always that one … or two, or three plus individuals that just does not get IT; the attention given to others. That one this time is no other than the very vocal Snoop Dogg.

In one of his latest Instagram posts, the California rapper calls Caitlyn; or Bruce I shall say, a “science project”. Snoop would rather have the limelight on a more world inspiring subject matter, which you can no be mad at.

Find out more below.

JaaiR (JR)
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“Shout out to Akon! He is about to supply 600 million Africans with solar power. I’m really upset that this isn’t major news, but that science project Bruce Jenner is. #Society,” is what the meme on Snoop’s Instagram says. “News flash, tune in to GGN for some real news,” he adds in a caption, which probably means Akon will be guest appearing on his show, or talked about.

While I totally agree, Akon does deserve just as much if not more recognition as Caitlyn does [then again, so do I for struggling through college and dealing with student loans … LOL … #Serious], let that man/woman live his/her life. Hell, Kim changes her hairstyle, and that’s news, but no one is complaining about that. Folks are going to be interested in what they are interested in. Move on.

On another, but almost the same note, Plies uploaded a video about Caitlyn’s transformation. FUNNY s**t!

Watch below.

A video posted by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on

Is Snoop wrong, or nah? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down bottom.