James Blake absolutely refuses to accept any apology on behalf of the NYPD following his violent arrest earlier this week that was a case of mistaken identity. Blake was mistaken by plain clothes officers for someone allegedly selling stolen phones at a hotel in Manhattan and now we can see his version of events was not an exaggeration.


New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton said he apologized to the former tennis star Thursday, but Blake does not seem to be having it. Mayor DeBlasio also somewhat apologized and wanted to be clear race had nothing to do with it. YEAH RIGHT!

The NYPD is only apologizing because they know they look very silly over this and they know Blake is somewhat famous and has a broader reach than someone working a 9-5 that was harassed by the police.

Blake had said the arrest was forceful and somewhat violent and he wasn’t lying as we can see in the video. He also said officers never identified themselves until well after and even with that said he still never resisted. After about 15 minutes, another officer recognized who he was and then they let him go. Hopefully someone is paying for this bullsh*t!

Check the gallery to see the side by side of the man they mistook him for.
