Officials aren’t sure what caused the shooting at the Northern Arizona University campus that left 1 person dead and three others injured.

Genny Noel

In August, 20,000 students enrolled to the NAU Flagstaff campus. The shooting took place close to Mountain View Hall, which according to sources, is the home of most students affiliated with a Greek organization.

The three injured were escorted to the hospital, but there is no word on their current conditions.

Again, the reason behind the shooting is unclear, but the shooter is in custody.

With school shootings being a regular occurrence during today’s society, one has to wonder if the number of students enrolling out-of-state will decrease significantly. According to the Huffington Post, there were more than two dozen reported campus shootings in 2013.

What felt like the initial incident was the Virginia Tech mass slaughter in 2007, and it is still the most fatal shooting to date.

More information on the Arizona shooting to come.
