
An Italian marathon runner vanished after completing his race in Central Park. A veteran NYPD officer found with the NY Daily News app. Hit the jump to find out how.

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“I go to take the train to go to work and boom: right in front of me is the missing runner,” Officer Man Yam said. He had just finished reading the article about the missing runner before getting on the subway. Marengo did not register for the marathon, but finished the 26- mile race in under five hours. He is a recovering heroin addict.

Marengo was missing for two days. When Yam found him, Marengo still had his marathon clothes on and desperately needed water.

“He did not look like a normal commuter,” Yam said. “He looked like he needed help but did not want to ask a total stranger.”

Yam found the runner, Gianclaudio Marengo, riding the 2 train in Manhattan. He knew Marengo did not speak English, so Yam spoke Spanish- which is very close to Italian in its sounds.

Source: NY Daily News