
The terrorist attack in Paris that happened earlier this week killed 127 people and has left the world shocked. People are starting to believe the tragedy might be the beginning to another war. During a phone interview Saturday morning, religious leader Pope Francis has labeled the Paris attacks as the “piecemeal Third World War.” Hit the jump for more.

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Pope Francis spoke on the tragedy that took place in France.

I am close to the people of France, to the families of the victims, and I am praying for all of them. I am moved and I am saddened. I do not understand — these things hard to understand.

There is no religious or human justification for it. This is a piece of it.

The France government confirmed Saturday that the attacks were done by ISIS. ISIS later released a statement.

The stench of death will not leave their noses as long as they remain at the forefront of the Crusaders’ campaign, dare to curse our prophet, boast of a war on Islam in France, and strike Muslims in the lands of the caliphate with warplanes that were of no use to them in the streets and rotten alleys of Paris.

Is this the beginning to World War III? Only time can tell. However, I would not be surprise if a huge war starts because of this.
