A photo went viral of Usain Bolt and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett with the caption “She said yes” while on their vacation in Bora Bora. Though it would’ve been a nice place to propose, Usain did not pop the question.
Usain’s agent Ricky Simms tells TMZ Sports, the image is real but the caption is a hoax created by some Internet troll. Simms says Usain did not propose to Kasi.
I thought it weird since he recently said he didn’t want to get married until he’s 35 years old, but I thought maybe he was in the doghouse because of sex tour after the Olympics. I guess the vacation was enough to earn Kasi’s forgiveness if she even required any.
The two have been Snapchatting their vacation and they seem to be having an awesome time. Hey if she doesn’t mind the other women, it isn’t our business to mind either.