This substitute was not beat to be breaking up any fights. A few weeks ago, a fight broke out at Nichols Junior High in Arlington. In the video, which was posted to Youtube with the name ‘”Junior High Coaches Host Fight Cl Arlington,’ we can see students fighting and the substitute teacher literally just standing there.
Arlington Police Lt. Christopher Cook says,
“It’s really concerning to us when you see the video. Pretty egregious. Hard to watch as a parent.”
Leslie Johnston, an Arlington ISD spokesperson released a statment saying,
“This was not a fight club, and the adult in the video was a substitute,”
There was a punishment given to those involved although that punishment was not made clear. She says the school does not discuss personal matters. However, we do know that the subsitiure has been terminated. Johnston says,
“We certainly do not condone fighting, and it’s not a district or campus policy to allow fighting.”
The substitute can potentially be facing charges for failing to intervene as a caretaker. Arlington Police Lt. Christopher Cook says,
“When you see something like that, as adults, we need to be able to at least yell out, ‘Hey, stop!’ and summon assistance.”
Source: WSHH