(Video) Protests For The Death Of Freddie Gray Grows Following Arresting Officers Statements

Update: Cop Union Comparing Baltimore Protests To A “Lynch Mob,” Adding Fuel To The Fire. “In fact, the images seen on television look and sound much like a lynch mob in that they are calling for the immediate imprisonment of these officers without them ever receiving the due process that is the constitutional right of every citizen, including law enforcement officers,” said the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 in a statement this morning. That analogy resulted in immediate judgement and criticism. In 1950, the phrase ‘lynch mob’ was originated during the Civil War era. An era where mob killings or lynching against African Americans and other minorities killed a total of 4,000 in the South. John Cotton tweeted this photo last night with the caption:

Which one is the #LynchMob again?

In the photo posted by Cotton, you see a calm Baltimore protest along side photos during Gray’s arrest. It speaks for itself. Andrew O’Connell, an attorney of the Gray family commented, “The choice of words is not only ironic, it’s sad.” Danielle Villi Instagram| Twitter Source : CNN Original: There are a power in numbers and it is showing in the protest for Freddie Gray, Baltimore resident who died inb April due to injuries sustained from the police force. Since then Maryland Law Enforcement has announced that they will be opening an investigation on the 25-year-old’s death. On Tuesday [April 21], Gray’s parents joined protesters at the police department for their son Freddie Gray.…

(Video) NFL: Ray Rice Kept Busy Playing In Touch Football League

Ray Rice found a way to keep himself in football shape after he was cut by the Ravens and suspended from the NFL back in September. He just randomly showed up one day at a Baltimore area “rough touch” football league and proceeded to put on a show. The guys from the league all welcomed him after he asked if he could join and it made the rest of the players want to step their game up, but it was useless compared to Ray they said. Rice wound up making a game winning interception and the players on the squad went crazy. This football season I’d expect to see Rice playing with NFL guys instead.

(Video) Master P Explains How Independent Rappers Can Make Money!

Rapper Master P knows a thing or two on how independent artists in the game can make a hefty lump sum off music. He recently sat down with Baltimore’s iiKane of 92.3 FM to break down the process of how independent rappers can start bringing in some serious dough without being signed to a major label. Click below to get the interview!

NFL: Huh?! Ray Rice Now Alleges That Elevator Incident Video Was Edited

In his suspension appeal, Rice’s main defense is that TMZ edited the video! Huh?! Hit the jump for details.

(Video) A Remastered ‘The Wire’ Will Be Hitting HBO!

‘Wire’ fans the day you have been waiting for, is finally here! It seems as though ‘The Wire’ will be getting a remastered touch and hitting HBO for an exclusive. Although there is no official premiere date yet, HBO producers are currently working on transferring HD qualities to the revamped series. Check out a preview of the teaser, here!

NFL: Check Out Why Commissioner Goodell Did Not Want To Question Janay Rice’s Story

New reports are indicating that the commissioner handed Rice the 2 game suspension because he did not want to dig further into Mrs. Rice’s story. He feared that he would’ve come across as insensitive. Hit the jump for details.

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