Tech Talk Apps: Take A Look At What Developing An Android App Looks Like!!!

Ever wonder why certain popular apps are usually released first on iOS then later developed for Android? Well being the iOS is pretty streamlined across the iOS devices it makes it easier to write an app for iOS compared to the massive tests on the various Android o/s and models. Hit the jump to take a look into the process of developing an Android app. @ShottaDru X @TatWza

Tech Talk Apps: Check Out This Very Controversial App “Girls Around Me”!!!!

This is a creepy app. It basically pinpoints the location of women in an area based on Facebook and Foursquare data. Should this app be banned? I would feel like a creep using this app to find women but that me. Hit the jump for details on “Girls Around Me.” +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Device: New Blackberries Coming In May??

Yes and no. RIM will let developers try out their new software in May. Well that means they must be ready to soon debut some new devices and they need to hurry because they have been stuggling in the smartphone race. Details on the new Blackberry software after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk News: RIM Will Give You A Playbook IF You Develop An Android App For It!!!

I mean, yes they will allegedly gonna give a FREE Blackberry Playbook(which it should be anyway) IF you develop an Android App, which is kinda ironic since they haven’t run any Android Apps on it yet, and that they Hope Android will Save the Playbook from fully flushing down the drain. Hit the Jump on your specifics. +TatWZA

Tech Talk Gaming: Diablo III Producer Departs

Diablo III Senior Producer Steve Parker has announced his departure from the project and from developer Blizzard. Parker made the surprise announcement via Twitter. He wrote, “Hey Twitter, I’m no longer working at Blizzard or on D3. I’ve had a great 5 years there and those guys are going to do an amazing job with Diablo.” @YungJohnnybravo @TatWZA

(Video) Tech Talk Developer: Android Continues To Grow!!!

This is a sign that Android Apps will get easier and Better in the upcoming Year, I mean if people can easily develop an App, then someone can easy make an app from a good idea they had, then Android will eventually out pace Apples App store!! +TatWZA

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