(Video) Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton for DC March

Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton for DC March, While #MillionsMarchNYC successfully brought over 50,000 protestors together for Ferguson and the #BlackLivesMatter movement this weekend, little word came out of the Washington DC march that happened on the same day, until now. Ferguson Protestors Blast Al Sharpton and his National Action Network (NAN), the face and organizers of the DC march, after they reportedly cut off the mics while Ferguson youth who’ve been leading the protests “from the beginning” were speaking. Twitter immediately blew up, going on to cite more DC march incidents including a questionable “VIP” section at the march, as well as the problem of “leaders” in what’s now a new generation of resistance.

(Video) NBA: Charles Barkley & Kenny Smith Go Back & Forth On Ferguson, Eric Garner

You had to know last night that the “NBA on TNT” was going to have to address the fact Kenny Smith wrote an open letter to Charles Barkley discussing his views on the situations in Ferguson and New York. Thankfully the network didn’t try to sugarcoat it and soon as the show started made it clear basketball talk was going to be on hold for a minute while Charles, Kenny & Shaq spoke on what is going on and more specifically the letter Kenny wrote to Charles. It seems we have been hearing from Charles non stop recently but that is only because people keep putting microphones in his face. All three of the guys make some good points regardless of what side of opinion you are on. Hit the jump.

NFL: Ricky Williams On Ditka – “White People Don’t Relate To Police Brutality”

In light of the what’s taking place, involving Ferguson, Eric Garner, etc., Ricky Williams has decided to chime in. After reassuring the world that his former New Orleans Saints’ coach, Mike Ditka, is NOT a racist, he goes on to say “white people [just] can’t relate to police brutality.” Williams then states that white people use racist language regularly but just don’t realize it. Wow, read more on Williams’ comments after the jump!

(Audio) Sports: ESPN Anchor Stephen A. Smith Disagrees With Kenny Smith’s Open Letter

Kenny Smith authored a heartfelt open letter in response to Charles Barkley’s controversial comments about Ferguson, and Stephen A. Smith reacted. Hit the jump for details.

#DJFunkFlexApp NEW MUSIC: Alicia Keys – We Gotta Pray

Alcia Keys displays her optimism in troubling times with a new record entitled “We Gotta Pray”. Check out below.

NBA: Kenny Smith Writes Open Letter to Charles Barkley About His Racial Remarks & Ferguson

Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley often have differing opinions and we enjoy them as they engage in banter on Inside the NBA.  This however is a more serious matter.  Barkley recently made remarks regarding Ferguson saying that he agrees with the grand jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.  Barkley also referred to the looters as “scumbags” and dispelled the notion that there should be any tension or distrust between African Americans and police officers.  The comments prompted a strong response from numerous people including Barkley’s co-host.  Kenny Smith writes open letter to Charles Barkley.

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