Study Shows If Your First-Born Is A Girl, You’re More Likely To Do THIS!!

A few economists took to the “Freakonomincs” podcast recently to talk about the role that a child’s sex can play on a marriage and how it could possibly lead to divorce. It then alerts listeners to child preferences in marriage. Hit the jump for the full scoop.

Airline Passenger Abandons Luggage To Avoid WHAT?!?!?

One Delta Airline passenger en route to New York’s JFK Airport decided to save a few bucks by abandoning a total of four bags to avoid an expensive fee. Doesn’t seem like too bad of an idea, but abandoned luggage doesn’t sit well with airport security. Hit the jump for more details.

(Video) WTF?? Another Unarmed, Black Man Shot In Florida!!

Unfortunately, another unarmed black male was shot in Florida. This time, he was at least an adult. Unlike the other situations that recently gained national attention, where someone with a “hero complex” would do more harm than help, this potentially deadly situation was carried out by none other than Florida’s finest: The police.

(Photos) Real-Life Vampire Cemetery Found In Poland

Unlike other fables and fairy tales, it seems that Vampire tales were actually based on real events. Recently, in Poland, construction workers who were building a road came across 17 skeletons that were buried in a very odd way. Their heads were off and placed between either their knees or in their hands. Archaeologists believe that they were the corpses of presumed vampires and where buried that way to prevent them from rising again. Hit the jump and check out a pic of the bodies.

(Caught On Tape) Crazy Guy Lays In Front Of Oncoming Train!!!

Truly a daredevil, a Holland man puts his life on the line… LITERALLY! The masked stuntman speaks to the camera for a second before running to the tracks and lays down. Seconds later, a train comes. Check out what happens after the jump.

(Video) Taxi Driver Robs Drunk Man In China!!!

Usually, stories end with the taxi driver being the one robbed. Instead, this cab driver decided to get one for his fallen co-workers. In China, a man identified as a cab driver approaches a drunk man that’s passed out on the side of the road. The driver, first, helps the man with something he drops. Check out what he does next after the jump.

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