(Video) Nipsey Hussle Handcuffed At Trayvon Martin Rally

Nipsey Hussle was cuffed during a peaceful Trayvon Martin rally in California yesterday, after LAPD thought he had a gun on him. They claim they saw him do something to lead them to this belief, but after cuffing him and searching him, realized they were quite wrong. SMH! Watch it go down below.

Chris Brown Reacts To Having His Probation Revoked & Possible Jail Time

Chris Brown appeared in court today over hit-and-run allegations from May, and in quite a shocking move, the judge revoked the singer’s probation at the D.A.’s request. He was not taken into custody, however, and will remain a free man until the probation hearing in August, where his fate will be decided. He is facing up to 4 years in jail. Upon leaving the court house, Breezy took to Twitter to vent his frustrations. See what he had to say in the gallery. I really feel bad for this kid!

Crazy: Judge REVOKES Chris Brown’s Probation Because Of Hit & Run [This Could Mean Jail!]

I can’t believe a small fender-bender is really going this far. Someone in the legal system REALLY hates Chris Brown. Here’s the quick back-story to catch you up: Chris was involved in a tiny accident back in May where his Range Rover tapped the back of a woman’s car. He got out, gave her his license and insurance card and kept it moving. The woman, then realizing it was the insurance card for the wrong car and a VA license as opposed to a CA license, filed a report for a hit-and-run, since she did not have his proper info. Mind you, she barely had a SCRATCH on her car and zero injuries. Needless to say, Chris is pissed…and reveals that his lawyer had been reaching out to her multiple times to no avail. With the city of L.A. apparently not his biggest fans, they moved forward with the case and officially charged Chris with a hit-and-run. The woman then went on to say how Chris cussed her out and made her fear for her safety, despite the fact a majority of their exchange was…

Chris Brown May Be In The Clear In Hit & Run Case

Chris Brown was charged with a hit-and-run for a fender-bender he got in back in May, but he may be in the clear. The woman who he’d hit doesn’t want to have him prosecuted because there was no physical injury and only minor damage to her car, so his lawyer has filed to have the case dropped. But my whole thing is…why did she take it this far to begin with, then?! However, here’s an issue. The L.A. City Attorney has NOT agreed to drop it just yet. They’re currently deliberating right now. And even if they drop the hit-and-run part, there’s still the other charge of Breezy driving without a valid Cali license (as he’s only licensed in VA.) That wouldn’t be that big a deal, but he’s already on probation for the 09 Rihanna thing, so basically, every little thing is a big deal. I hope they just drop it all together!

(Photos) Paris Hilton Has A Run-In With The Law, Justin Bieber-Style

Paris Hilton was a little too hard on the gas in her pretty blue Bentley today, and was pulled over by cops for doing 42 in a 25 around Beverly Hills. Just because she’s rich and famous…and hot…didn’t really help her cause at all, and she ended up driving away with a lovely little speeding ticket. That’s 4 points, boo. Not the greatest way to start the weekend!

(Photos) Damn! Chris Brown Fought The City…And The City Won! Bye, Bye Graffiti!

He fought the law…and the law one. Chris Brown’s neighbors have been complaining about the graffiti adorning the outside of his L.A. home since earlier this year, and succeeded in getting the city to file a complaint against him. Chris fired right back, however, saying it’s protected by the 1st Amendment and if it bothers someone that much, they should just look away. Looks like his argument didn’t hold very well in the courts though, as today workers were spotted painting over the singer’s artwork. Guess it wasn’t worth the fight!

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