Notorious B.I.G.’s Lawyer Slams LAPD For Autopsy Report Release

A few days ago, the autopsy report conducted after the death of the Notorious B.I.G. was released almost 16 years after the rapper’s death. Now lawyers representing Biggie are blasting the LAPD for the release of the information. Perry Sanders Jr. said instead of an autopsy report, the LAPD should be releasing details about his murder. Sanders also pretty much posed the question of what good is it to release the autopsy report since the LAPD claims the released the report pictures to bring on new leads. I agree with Sanders, if the police claim they haven’t had a good lead in the 16 years B.I.G. has been dead, what is an autopsy report going to do? I think releasing the information is tasteless and disrespectful to Biggie’s children and his mother. Read more below. Julie A.

Boxing: Mike Tyson Caught His Ex-Wife In The Bed With Who???

Imagine being caught in the act with the wife of Mike Tyson by the boxer himself. What would you do? How would you feel? Just ask Brad Pitt! In a recent interview, Mike recalls how he found Brad Pitt getting it in with his ex-wife,Robin Givens Read more after the jump Shay Marie

Oprah Picks Up the Tab for Dad’s Divorce

Oprah Winfrey’s father opens up about his messy divorce and says his estranged wife Barbara was spending money like HE was Oprah… Read more after the jump Quay

(Video) Damn, Chris Brown’s Lawyer Sonned Him In Court Today!

Chris Brown appeared in court briefly today for a routine hearing for his probation, stemming from the 2009 Rihanna incident. All went well, as he was cleared for a world tour and had no issues with his community service, but a bit of a funny moment popped up when Chris tried to add his 2 cents to the matters. As he opened his mouth to speak, his lawyer Mark Geragos promptly (but politely!) shut him right up, adding, “I don’t dance, you don’t talk.” LOL! Watch the funny quip go down below. Marisa Mendez

Lil Wayne Scolded By Judge For “Irresponsible Behavior”

Lil Wayne and Quincy Jones III have been battling it out in the legal system, ever since Wayne brought a lawsuit to Jones over a documentary they’d worked on together a few years back. Though Wayne was fully participating at the time, he decided the final edit showed a “scandalous” portrayal of his life, and wants to block the release. In the deposition tapes we showed you last month, Wayne clearly takes it very lightly, and just goofed off and gave attorneys quite a hard time while they tried to speak to him. That may end up biting him in the butt now, as his recent health scare prevented him from appearing in court for the matter today, and now the judge on the case only has Wayne’s tapes to go off of. And naturally, the judge isn’t smiling. See what he said below. Marisa Mendez

Lawyer Accused Of Murdering Girlfriend Made Death Threats As She Sat At Precinct Filing Complaint

A man sought in the murder of a Queens woman had been charged with beating her — then threatened her in a call that police heard when she reported the attack at the precinct stationhouse. Clickb elow to read the rest of the story. WiL Major

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