Tech Talk News: RIM Plans On Releasing QWERTY BB10 Device In June

We all know RIM is releasing its first BB10 device in March but that device will be an all touchscreen device.  According to Analysts the first QWERTY device will store shelves until June 2013. At This point i don’t think RIM can have any lapses in releases. By that time RIM will have released 2 devices in almost 2 years. RIM should be releasing devices in bunches, just in case people are interested in one device. Lets see how the first device does. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Does RIM’s BB10 Have a Chance???

With over a month left until RIM drops it bb10 device, and shares of the company increasing in price.  Can RIM’s BB10 actually compete  with the iPhone and Android. I say no a few Analysts believe they can, but the big problem is RIM hasn’t released a device in over  a year and in that time Android has flooded the market with devices and Apple has released 2 devices in that  time.  The few Blackberry faithful RIM may have  don’t even have interest in the new devices. TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Yahoo’s CEO Ethers RIM’s Blackberry

RIM hasn’t released a smartphone in almost year, and in smartphone world of what have you done for me lately.  Yahoo’s CEO tells the media that all their employees most learn all smartphone formats and she doesn’t even consider Blackberry’s smartphones.  Naming all the smartphones leaving RIM’s Blackberry off the list. RIM can’t get that BB10 out fast enough. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

(Video) Can This Amazing Camera Feature Make You Want A Blackberry????

Ok To be honest, I normally SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTED on Deadberrys, Brickberrys, Ok Ok Ok, Blackberrys, But this Camera feature is Pretty Awesome, and we recently posted some Leaked pics of the Blackberry 10 that surprisingly enough, you guys checked out, So now I wonder…..Can RIM Make a come back??? Tat Wza

Tech Talk News: Another Analyst Believes In RIM’s BB10

Another Analyst is jumping on the RIM comeback train.  Maybe they know something we don’t but for RIM to comeback they need more than a remarkable device to impress the masses.  And thats something RIM hasn’t done in while. And For An Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: RIM See’s Stock Surge On Thanksgiving!!!

After a pair of Analyst gave some good news about RIM and it;s first BB10 device the stock of the company went up 18%, the highest it has been for awhile. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

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