Mostly when we ask this question We hear iPhone, which totally makes sense(iPhone is King), but Game Has taken a different route, And I like his choice!! Hit the Jump to find out!

TW: What’s good Game, haven’t seen you in a sec, how are you Sir?

Game: What’s good man, how you been?

TW: I’m good, just up here grinding, so let me ask you Game, what’s your phone of preference?

Game: Right now the device of choice is the EVO

TW: The HTC EVO, the 1st 4G capable phone, on Sprint?
Game: Yup

TW: What are 3 Things You like about the EVO?

Game: 1 Twitter is way easier on there, 2 the lock & password security is “girlfriend Proof”, and 3 No Pocket dialing.

TW: ah yeah your talking about the Swype program, Ok that’s clean. Well Game We Appreciate you taking this Time out my dude

Game: No Prob man, holla if you need me

Ok people you heard it Game puts his stamp on the EVO which is def a great phone, and you can see these artist are mos def keeping up with Tech!!!