
A New York City Playwright, who directed a production called ” The American Suicide Bomber Association” set off a bomb scare after throwing away one of the props. Hit the jump for more details!

Adriela Batista

While cleaning his Manhattan apartment, playwright, Ethan Fishbane without thinking, through out a fake bomb prop that he had made for a previous play. Imagine one day you’re relaxing in your freshly cleaned home, the next morning pure chaos occurs, beginning with the bomb squad outside of your building and its all your fault? This is the scenario Fishbane seemed to have encountered. The morning after cleaning his apartment the fake bomb that resembled a suicide bombers belt, was found by the superintendent of the building resulting in a call to the bomb squad. Investigators quickly pieced together the information and made their way to Fishbane’s apartment.

“Fishbane says he was stunned when officers knocked on his door, but he praised the department for its quick response, saying it was “wholly appropriate.”

Poor Fishbane’s cleaning escapades turned into a messy situation.

Via WashingtonPost