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While I was at CES a couple weeks ago I saw some really cool gadgets, but for the 1st time I ran into a Co-Founder pushing a new social media that was trending in Apple’s App Store(at least in Vegas), ‘Sweeble’, and it’s pretty cool! ?

Tat Wza IG | Twitter | Snapchat

Sweeble‘ is a lot like other social media platforms where you upload pics/vids that other users can ‘like’ but the difference is it’s about how long you like something! The longer you hold your finger down to ‘like’ a pic/vid, the ‘heart’ actually grows and the time is calculated, so it’s not about how many likes you get, but how long of a like, that accumulates to a total time. Imagine a pic/vid so good instead of 10k-20k likes but has 4 to 5 hours spent on it liking it!! That would give you real value on your social media, anyone looking to hire someone with powerful social, you could show them not that their ‘content’s seen, but how long it was seen, ‘time spent’, which is a metric companies pay good money for!!

#JewelBox & #Sweeble #CES2016

A video posted by T Wiz (@tatwza) on

Find me on Sweeble, and hold down that button, let that heart grow and time accumulate!!

Here’s one of the co-founders breaking it down;

Hit me up and tell me what you think?!?