Scary Stuff! SnapChat Co-Founder Evan Spiegel Is Being Stalked…On SnapChat!

Evan Speigel, co-founder and CEO of the popular social media app SnapChat is reportedly being stalked on the social media platform he created. According to police reports someone who identifies himself as Ramon Martinez is sending the CEO harassing messages including assassination references. That’s scary stuff. Read more below for details.

YouTube Co-Founder Chad Hurley Tells Kimye To ‘Go That Way’ With Law Suit

The once Co-owner of YouTube(Why He’s a Billionaire), and now owner of MixBit video app, has filed his own paper work saying the paper he signed was about consent for him to be on TV, and NO ONE told him he couldn’t take video and use it after.

Tech Talk News: Microsoft Co-Founder Quits Tech Industry To Strip?

No Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is not a stripper now be he is actually apart of a band. His band Paul Allen and the Natural Born Swimmers have a song featured in the movie “Magic Mike,” which is about male strippers in Florida. Full story and song by Paul Allen’s new musical venture after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

(Video) Tech Talk News: Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Waiting Line For The NEW iPad!!!

That’s How incredible The iPad, excuse me, The NEW iPad is!!! Hit the Jump to see the Woz in Line!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Twitter Co-founder Says Over-tweeting is ‘Unhealthy’

The co-founder of Twitter has urged its 500 million users to get off the micro-blogging website and do something else instead.Christopher Stone said he did not want anybody to spend hours using the site because it is “unhealthy”.Instead he said they should dip in and find what they want – then stop and do other things. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

(Photo) Tech Talk Congrats: Twitter Co-Founder @Biz Stone Is A Dad!!!

 The man we ALL need to show thanks to, for Helping to create the world’s Greatest, and fastest growing Social Media site in the early age of Social Media, is A dad, I just saw him tweet an instagram(ironic right), which you can see after the Jump!! +TatWZA

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