Sports Update: (Report) Boston Suspect in Custody; Being Guarded in Hospital After Blasts

According to the NY Post, Authorities have a identified a suspect, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds (others are reporting that this is not true – UPDATE after the jump). They also have an update on this story.  Details after the jump…

Update: EXPLOSION AT JFK LIBRARY in Boston – Police Investigating

Update, 5:01 p.m. ET: ‘The JFK Library incident is reportedly unrelated to the explosions at the Boston Marathon. Reports indicate that it was just a fire, not an explosion. However, police are investigating video footage to see if the fire was caused by a bombing.’ Update, 4:30 p.m. ET: Boston firefighters have found what they believe is an unexploded device after the blasts, a government official said. At least 9 in critical condition. Update, 4:19 p.m. ET: We have a new injury count: According to hospital officials, at least 28 people are being treated for injuries connected to this afternoon’s blasts near the Boston Marathon finish line. More details after the jump…

Video Footage of The Explosion at the Boston Marathon

A video has surfaced of one of the explosions.  This is just so sad. SMH.  What the f*ck is wrong with people?!  Our thoughts & prayers go out to those involved/hurt in #BostonMarathon.  We will keep you updated as we get more details…

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