NBA: Fan Detained After Throwing Ball at Dwight Howard’s Head (Dwight Was Livid)!

Cameras are every where — sometimes they hurt your case and sometimes they help — well this time it helped a 22-year-old that hit Dwight Howard with a ball during the Rockets game Monday night.  Apparently it was a big misunderstanding, but Dwight thought the ball was thrown at him maliciously.  Check out what happened…

Sports: Ryan Lochte Tears MCL & Sprains ACL Trying To Catch Excited Female Fan

Well isn’t this a crazy way to hurt your knee?  Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte has injured his knee after trying to catch an excited fan.  Hopefully he can recover quickly.  Details after the jump…

(PHOTO) NBA: Check Out This Cavs Fan That Has A Basketball Hoop in … His Beard!

Oh you fancy huh?!  Can’t say I’ve seen this before. Lol.  Wth?!  Check out this Cavs fan that literally has a basketball hoop in his beard.

(PHOTO) NFL: Brandon Jacobs Puts Fan on Blast After The Fan Threatens His Life & Family

C’mon NFL fans!  This has got to stop.  Some fan tweeted Brandon Jacobs and threatened him & his family if Brandon didn’t rush for 50 yards & get 2 touchdowns.  Fantasy owners have to RELAX.  What’s worse is that BJ didn’t even play last night.  He was out with a hamstring injury.  You dummy!  SMH.  After Jacobs sent out the screen shot of the threatening tweet, the kid saw it and responded.  I hope he learns a lesson from this.  There is NOTHING funny about threatening someone’s life or family.

(Video) DMX Dropping Bible Verses On The Street!

One thing about X, when it comes to his beliefs, he stands firm. X’s music is a result of that – religion is DMX’s uniqueness. This time however, it wasn’t about the music when a fan outside of Wi Jammin’ Restaurant in L.A. stopped the streaker, she mentioned that she was going through some hardships in life – X pulled out the bible and a few versus from it to get her through. Help comes from the weirdest places sometimes. Hit the jump and check out the FAST teaching!

MLB: Dodger Fan Stabbed To Death After Dodgers-Giants Game

This violence at sporting events has to stop.  What the f*ck could have been so serious that a fan was stabbed & killed?!?!  Geez-us.  C’mon people. SMH. Report after the jump…

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