Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl – I love it when celebs and athletes give back!  This is a great story!

Every day, Thomas helps his 7-year-old brother Jared get home from school. Riding the same bus as Jared is an eighth-grade girl named Joslyn Levell, who happened to grow up in Chicago as a Bears fan and now lives in Morgantown. Joslyn has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair.

With assists from the bus driver and J.T.’s stepmother, Thomas got on the bus one day to say hello to Joslyn. They hit it off immediately. From

As J.T. met a Bears fan in his hometown, Joslyn explained to him that she’d had a rough week because all of the boys she asked to the dance declined. Thomas melted.

“I hugged her and signed a few things and we talked for awhile and she cried a bit,” Thomas recounted. “I gave her a hug and told her everything would work itself out.”