Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

Metta World Peace, the basketball player formerly known as Ron Artest, has donated more than $100,000 to charities in Queens, New York, his hometown, the New York Daily News reports. Artest gave $65,000 to Long Island City-based Steinway Child and Family Services and $55,000 to The Child Center of New York in Woodside, according to the report.

Artest raised the money by raffling off his 2010 NBA championship ring, the Daily News reports. Artest presented the checks to representatives from both charities at a ceremony in Los Angeles. Both reps had front row seats to “Dancing with the Stars” on Tuesday night, when Artest became the first celebrity voted off the show.

Artest told the Daily News that he wants to help Queens kids who face problems similar to those he had to deal with when he was growing up in the borough.

“Queens is where I’m from. I want to reach that kid in Queens who’s looking for that help,” Artest said.

“When I was 13, our house burned down and my mom and dad separated, and from then on I was really agitated and started getting in a lot of trouble,” he added. “My mom told me I had to see a counselor. He helped me a lot. Without him I don’t know where I’d be.”