
With the release of “Reality Real” Bronx MC and former XXL Magazine Freshman alumni Mikcey Factz announces he is calling it quits with music. Check below the jump for the song and official announcement.

Rocko Rathon

Curtain calls are never easy. But for me its long overdue. Because of broken promises and bad decisions by me and others, I will be not be creating music anymore. I want to thank everyone who has supported me but I feel its time to move on. Please support my producer LoveAtFirstSound. He has been trying to get on blogs for awhile and you guys have apparently been igging him. Lol. The game has changed and I don’t have the strength to deal anymore. One love to all those who care and who don’t. In January, I will be releasing The Achievement to those who purchased it and giving an Anthology to everyone of everything I’ve ever done. I hope it is accepted with open arms. Farewell.