(Video) JoJo Gives Her Version Of Aaliyah’s “Rock The Boat”

The diva and pop sensation JoJo hit Los Angeles’ Tru Hollywood ,during the second stop of her tour and gave the audience a blast from the past as she blazed the stage with old and new hits! Yet her true surprise to the crowd was her cover of classics by the beautiful Sade and Aaliyah, hit the jump to see her rendition of “Rock The Boat”!

Wait, What? Muslim Woman Claims Waiter Put BACON In Her Straw On Purpose?!

A Muslim-convert named Nicole Queen is claiming that while she was eating at TGI Friday’s in Dallas, her waiter got mad because she sent back her Cobb salad due to the fact there was bacon in it. The woman says she explained to the server that Muslims are forbidden to eat pork, while apologizing profusely for the inconvenience. Queen says, “Me and my friends were like, ‘Let’s be extra nice to him, because maybe he’s not comfortable with us because we’re Muslim,’” However according to Queen, the employees at Fridays did the unthinkable. Click below to find out the rest of the deets on this hard-to-believe story.

Roc Nation Signs WHO?!

Jay Z’s Roc Nation currently manages a brother/sister duo DJing team. Hit the jump to check out who.

Nipsey Hussle Speaks On Releasing $100 Album!!!

When Nipsey Hussle revealed that the cost of his latest project will be $100, the internet went into a frenzy!! As the old saying goes ” You get what you pay for”, one can only assume if they are dishing out that much this project has nothing but pure quality! The west coast native took to RapRadar to reveal the method to his madness and explain his decision to push a limited amount of copies at a high price, hit the jump for more!

*Updated Video* (Photo) Diddy Donates $250,000 For WHAT?!

Sometimes, all you have to do is extend a hand – Diddy has went beyond that. Hit the jump and check out who he donated a quarter of a MIL to.

(Photo) Breaking Bad’s Walter White Gets Official Obituary!!!

Everybody loves to hate Breaking Bad’s anti-hero Walter White, but when the season finale aired last week revealing the death of the notorious character, Alburquerque residents rose to the occasion and decided to make it official! The infamous Walt was honored with his own obituary in the Albuquerque Journal! Hit the jump to see the photo!

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