Mayor Bloomberg is looking for gun legislation and he’s willing to put all his resources behind this cause. He co-founded the initiative Mayors Against Illegal Guns to demand that republicans and democrats alike push gun legislation to the forefront, making it harder for guns to be purchased requiring thorough background checks and keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. It also calls for a ban on assault weapons and high capacity ammunition clips. The plan is to gain support for these initiatives and to punish people who are considered “straw purchasers,” (basically those who purchase guns and sell them illegally) more severely. Bloomberg has been coming out the pocket in support of the politicians who take a firm stance on gun control and against those who have been less vocal, targeting five Democrats, and ten Republicans across the country. Since Bloomberg’s pockets are so deep, it’s going to be tough fight for anyone set in his sights, but shouldn’t it be about what the people want? Is this the people deciding to act in favor of gun control or a form of manipulation? What do you think?