Tech Talk News: Blendr Now Avaliable For iPhone Users!

Just when you thought Twitter, Facebook, Google + and Instagram (for my #teamiphone family) was enough for social networks we now have Blendr. This is the little brother of Grindr, Blendr uses the iPhone’s GPS location-sensing technology to find and connect users of the program with other users near them. Grindr which is aimed at the gay community has 2.6 millions worldwide so with Blendr which is open to heterosexuals I think it will gain some ground in social networking game. So get out of shorty DM’s this morning and check out the full details of the free app before you download after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

Tech Talk Apps: New App Offers Face to Face Contact

Just when it seemed people couldn’t spend any longer social networking and the social network media had reached capacity – a new iphone application is being launched which claims to add yet another dimension to the field. As if Facebook, Twitter and the dozens of other networking sites already in existence didn’t cover all bases; the new app called Blendr is adding a new dimension. In fact you could call it three dimensional networking because using geo-location technology it can log the position of all your online friends – so you can arrange to meet those nearby face to face. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

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