Auto:(Video) This Dude Is Crazy!! What Would YOU Do In This Situation??

Apparently, this dude thinks he is a tough guy. He instigates the situation by cutting off a driver and then driving like a retard, but gets mad when he feels he is being tailgated, which I don’t think he was. He stops his car on a highway in traffic to get out and confront the driver. He even gets out with gloves on like he is trying to intimidate someone. This dude is a fool. I would of stepped on the gas and his a** would of got out the way! Check the 2 videos after the jump to see how the sitation unfolded. The first video not much happens, but you have to watch it to see how it leads into the second video. This recently just happened, I have no idea why their dash cam shows the wrong dates.

Auto:(Video) D.W.H…Driving While HIGH!! Must See

Now that a few more states have legalized certain limits of marijuana, driving while high is going to become an issue. Police pretty much already know how to pick out a drunk driver. Slurred speech, mood swings, swerving on the road. But how do the police tell if someone is driving over the limit when it comes to weed?? Colorado and Washington state both recently legalized marijuana, up to certain amounts. So what someone did was setup a drivers test and purposely had 3 people smoke weed prior to driving to see how they would do. The results may surprise some of you. Check out the video after the jump.

Auto:(Video) Insane Head-On Crash Caught On Camera

If you saw this coming at you while you were driving, you would probably assume this is the day your life is going to end. This driver gets the surprise of a lifetime when another van jumps the median and literally flies directly into the path of on-coming traffic. Luckily for the drivers, besides getting the surprise of a lifetime, they also got the save of a lifetime, as everyone survived. Check the video after the jump. The impact is scary.

Auto:(Video) Craziest Thing You Will See On 2 Wheels…From A 4 Wheel Car!!

No lie, this is seriously the craziest video I have seen involving a car. Dudes in the Middle East love cars just as much as us here in the states, but I have never seen someone on this side of the Atlantic do something like this. The fact that they are driving 4 wheel cars on 2 wheels only for long periods of time is crazy in itself. Add to the fact that these guys actually change a tire while the car is moving is straight up insane!! But it is damn sure entertaining to watch. Check out the video after the jump.

Auto:(Video) National “Drifting” Day

Romania must be a pretty cool country to live in if your a car fanatic. Every year, they close down the streets right in front of the Parliament Building and have drifting races. To be clear, that would be the same thing if President Obama shut down the roads near the White House and let racers haul a** around D.C. The aerial view of the racing makes it look ever better. Check out the video after the jump.

Auto:(Video) What Would You Do If You Saw This?

If you saw a car pass by, and someone was literally hanging from the car as it continued to drive, what would you do? Would you call the police? Would you try and cut the driver off to make them stop? I am sure alot of people would be horrified and would take some type of action. Only thing is, if you tried to help in this instance, YOU would be playing the fool. This driver thought it would be funny ( and it kinda is ) to hang a fully dressed dummy from the passenger window to make it seem someone was hanging on for dear life. Different people have different types of humor. Check the video after the jump.

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