NBA: Monday Likely to Determine the Fate of the 2011-12 NBA Season

The National Basketball Players’ Association will meet with its 30 player representatives Monday morning in New York to discuss the owners’ latest proposal, multiple sources confirmed to  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: David Stern Says “Greedy” Agents Are Hurting Chances of Possible Deal

Commissioner David Stern blamed “greedy” NBA agents Saturday for trying to scuttle a new labor deal and believes they are trying to push their clients into a “losing strategy” of decertification.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Union Attorney Jeffrey Kessler Apologizes For Saying Players are Treated Like “Plantation Workers”

NBA union attorney Jeffrey Kessler has apologized for saying that owners are treating players “like plantation workers,” adding that he doesn’t want to become a distraction during the tense negotiations.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA Lockout Update: Some Owners Upset by Stern Offer; Deadline Tomorrow

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl A group of disgruntled NBA owners held a conference call Monday to express their displeasure with the 50/50 revenue offer commissioner David Stern has presented to the players’ association, according to sources with knowledge of the call.

NBA: Union Rejects Latest Offer, Stern Gives Wednesday Ultimatum

Commissioner David Stern gave NBA players an offer and a deadline: Accept a chance to earn up to 51 percent of basketball-related income by Wednesday or get ready for a deal that’s a whole lot worse.  He wouldn’t call it an ultimatum, but it didn’t sure sit well with the union.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

NBA: Jesse Jackson Addresses Bryant Gumbel & Race Issue During the Lockout

NBA is again facing the prospect of a bye. Soon, it won’t be about money. Soon, the Rev. Jesse Jackson worries, it will be personal and irreconcilable and no longer about the color green.  Read more after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

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